Pick & Joy®: Pick and Enjoy!

A home-grown tomato or cucumber from your own kitchen. Many consumers enjoy growing their own vegetables. And it’s possible: with Pick & Joy®! It’s a consumer concept from the kitchen of [Vreugdenhil Young Plants](https://www.vreugdenhilyoungplants.com/nl/pick-joy): vegetable plants to grow at home with products you can eat fresh!

The Pick & Joy® concept fits perfectly with the interest of consumers who want to know where their food comes from and enjoy gardening themselves. The ready-to-pick vegetable plants are sustainably produced and delicious in flavor. You’ve undoubtedly seen the ‘grow your own’ assortment expanding in your store.

Fun fact: the grower cultivates the Pick & Joy® assortment according to the same strict standards as the starting material (young plants) for professional horticulture. Biological pest control is used to ward off harmful insects and maintain the natural balance. Additionally, Pick & Joy® products are pollinated with the help of bumblebees.

You’ve probably seen a Pick & Joy® plant before, but did you know that the Pick & Joy® assortment already includes 22 different varieties: tomatoes, peppers, mini cucumbers, mini eggplants, strawberries, and basil?

Through product development and an in-house breeding program, the grower continually expands the assortment. This allows consumers to keep varying and enables us to keep surprising them. For example, with specials like the Potatom®. The Potatom® is a plant that produces both tomatoes and potatoes. Unique and surprising!

The Pick-&-Joy® Potatom is a unique and surprising tomato-potato plant and therefore a must-have for the garden or terrace. This special plant produces both tomatoes and potatoes!

The Potatom® does require a bit more explanation in your store compared to other Pick-&-Joy® vegetable plants… because let’s be honest: not everyone will recognize this combination at first glance. The Potatom® is sold as a semi-grown product, meaning you sell this plant without fruits. The consumer will first need to take care of the Potatom® themselves before they can enjoy the delicious tomatoes and potatoes. A beautiful and fun challenge… but one that definitely belongs in your specialty green store!

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