Buddleja Butterfly Candy®, compact & flowery shrub

Customers in your store have undoubtedly asked for advice on how best to manage the Buddleja as a bushy shrub, which can often overtake a garden bed in terms of height and width. The older varieties of Buddleja, also known as the Butterfly Bush, tend to have this characteristic. However, nowadays, there is a great solution for this. Thanks to breeding and selecting increasingly compact Buddlejas, we now have the Buddleja Butterfly Candy® series.

Buddleja Butterfly Candy® is a very flower-rich series. The flowers of this relatively new dwarf Butterfly Bush have a light, sweet scent and are a real attraction for butterflies and bees, who love to visit the garden from July to October. During this time, the Buddleja Butterfly Candy® blooms exuberantly with splendid, full flower spikes. This makes the Butterfly Candy® series fantastic for biodiversity in and around the home. All varieties are well-branched and, due to their size, are perfectly suitable for use in patio pots and smaller gardens.

Caring for Buddleja Butterfly Candy®:
Preferably place the Butterfly Candy® in a sunny spot in well-drained, fertile soil. The elongated green leaves fall off the shrub in winter, but fortunately, the Buddleja Butterfly Candy® is very winter-hardy. Remove spent flowers to possibly extend the blooming season, and in spring, prune the ornamental shrub back so that the plant can grow new, beautiful shoots.

In recent years, various varieties from the Butterfly Candy series have won several awards at trade fairs, so the ornamental value and improved applications have not gone unnoticed. For a colorful collection, take a look at the offerings from Nursery Van Son & Koot from Kaatsheuvel. Photo credits: Van Son & Koot – Plantipp

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