Always summer with Hebe Addenda®!

The season for this beautiful summer bloomer for balconies, terraces, and borders has begun, making it important for florists, garden centers, DIY stores, and home dfurnishing shops to have a colorful assortment available.

In addition to the butterfly and bee-attracting property of the Hebe due to its nectar-rich flower spikes, it is also an evergreen plant that blooms beautifully well into the autumn. It is also known as ‘struikveronica’ and is slightly frost-resistant (down to -3°C).

During the summer months, the Hebe Addenda® is available in various colors and sizes, with the collection comprising five different variants, each with its own characteristics. You might recognize the following variants from the past:

– Donna®,

– Petita®,

– Classica®,

– Petitable®, and

– Vinoa®

Let’s zoom in on the Vinoa®: this summer, a beautiful pink flower color has been added to this type of Hebe Addenda®. The Vinoa® is recognizable by its unique glossy leaves in a wine-red color, hence the name. The name Vinoa® comes from the French “vin” and the Italian “vino.” This type of Hebe Addenda® is a well-branching and compact Hebe with a luxurious appearance that gives a Mediterranean touch to the garden or balcony with its deep red foliage and purple or pink flower spikes: la dolce vita!

Is your customer looking for Mediterranean vibes? Then the Hebe Addenda® Vinoa® is highly recommended!

Tips for enjoying the Hebe Addenda® for a long time:

– Regularly remove the faded flowers

– Provide some liquid fertilizer for flowering plants every two weeks

– Water twice a week is sufficient

– Ensure excess water can drain quickly

Would you like to know more about the Hebe Addenda® and the individual characteristics of the five different variants? Then take a look at the Addenda website.

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