We love Orange!

Your store is also themed around orange after the victory of the Dutch soccer team over Turkey this week, right? Or was it already? You can bet that many living rooms, terraces, canteens, and pubs will be turning orange again this week… and flowers and plants can certainly help with that. So, check quickly if the assortment of flowers, houseplants, and outdoor plants in your store has enough orange in stock.

Are you going for the Alstroemeria ‘Orange Queen’, Chrysanthemum ‘Willem Orange’, Lily ‘Honesty’, Crossandra ‘Fortuna’, Calathea crocata, Trollius chinensis ‘Golden Queen’, Lantana camara ‘Orange Pur’ or Geum coccineum ‘Borsii’… there is certainly plenty of choice in orange.

Next Wednesday evening, the semi-final against England is scheduled, so hopefully, the Netherlands will be even more orange in the coming days and after this semi-final. The true orange supporters will of course go to the local green specialist store, so be prepared!

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