Not sad without mourning flies

In this service article, we address a topic that your customers may frequently inquire about. In addition to providing beautiful plants, as a florist, garden center, DIY store, or home furnishing shop, it’s also a rewarding role to help your customers enjoy their houseplants for as long as possible.

Undoubtedly, there are often customers in your store with the question:
“I have a problem with tiny black flies around my houseplants. What can I do about it?”
It’s highly likely that your customer is dealing with fungus gnats. Fungus gnats, also known as sciarid flies or soil gnats, are small black flies about 2 to 3 mm in size.

Adult fungus gnats can transmit fungi and viruses. Their larvae nibble on the roots of a plant, weakening it. With ‘Pokon nematodes against fungus gnats,’ these tiny insects can be combated in a natural way. The presence of these fungus gnats is, of course, undesirable and does not benefit the lifespan of the houseplant.

Nematodes are microscopic, worm-like creatures that naturally inhabit the soil. The nematodes in ‘Pokon nematodes against fungus gnats’ are the natural enemies of the fungus gnat larvae, which reside in the plant’s potting soil. After application, the nematodes search for these larvae in the soil to multiply within them. After a few days, the larvae die, and the nematodes move on to find new prey. Once all the larvae are gone, the nematodes will also die out.

If your customer wants to be sure they are rid of the fungus gnats, it’s best to purchase the package: ‘Pokon Nematodes against Fungus Gnats & Pokon Bio Sticky Traps.’
By catching the adult fungus gnats with the sticky traps and simultaneously combating the larvae with their natural enemy, the fungus gnat cycle is broken, and the problem is quickly resolved!

Would you like more tips and inspiration on how to enjoy your houseplants for as long as possible? Then take a look at the Pokon website.

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