In the late 1990’s, breeder Dr. Roderick Woods began breeding the Garden Hibiscus, resulting in a beautiful summer-blooming shrub: the Hibiscus Chiffon series.
Hibiscus Chiffon is a relatively new, double-flowered Hibiscus series that comes in various colors. Consumers often refer to this plant by the following Dutch names: Altheastruik, Heemstroos, Tuinhibiscus. It’s helpful to know these names in case someone asks for it in your store.
The Hibiscus Chiffon blooms from July to September with beautiful (semi-)double flowers, making it easy to distinguish from the single-flowered Hibiscus syriacus plants.
Hibiscus syriacus Chiffon prefers a sunny, and especially warm, spot, though it can also tolerate light shade. The more (morning) sun it receives, the better its bud development will be later in the year.
The Hibiscus Chiffon can grow into a well-shaped shrub about 200 cm high. This shrub is deciduous in the winter and can be pruned back in March if desired, though it is not necessary.
The flowers of this Hibiscus can grow up to 10 cm in size, making it a real delight in the middle of summer. The Hibiscus Chiffon is also suitable as a terrace and balcony plant and is well-suited for gardens in coastal areas.